What is a JWT?
You use it everyday but hardly think about. Let's talk about the JSON Web Tokens you've been throwing around the Internet.
Pytest Your FastAPI App
Protect your future app by creating software tests today! Here's how you integrate pytest into your FastAPI app.
Accio Database
Let's summon a database by scraping the Potter DB API!
Airflow Params
Want to make friends? Design your Airflow DAGs with Params. Your co-workers (or you 6 months from now) will thank you.
BigQuery Flavor of SQL
What are some of the unique features of BigQuery's GoogleSQL? Let's dive into some helpful syntax for day-to-day querying.
Mental Math Drill
Sharpen your mind with a daily email of math problems.
Delete Your Old Tweets
Wash away your digital regret by sending a bot to delete those embarrassing Tweets.
Snowflake with Terraform
Cut down on your Snowflake project costs by managing cloud infrastructure with Terraform!
What is Data Engineering? (For Your Mom)
Have you ever had trouble explaining your job as a data engineer? This one's for you, Mom.